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Yoga Health Care : Charting alternative lifestyles.(www.yogahealthcare.co.in)
Yoga healthcare is an alternative healthcare solution provider that combines the ancient healing of Patanjali Yoga and dance inspired modern fitness forms like “Zumba” & “Bollywood dance&fitness”
Vision : Having an exercise regime for the average office worker is difficult, boring and mostly mentally a big block but never the less is critical. Our vision is ‘Blend seamlessly in lifestyles of professionals to offer them a window of wellness which is fun and can be easily adopted to’ . Like an office cafeteria converted into a dance studio, 45 min of fun after a hard day at work. We specialize in providing wellness solutions to organizations as well as a extension of home to homemakers in our studio and in clubs & societies.
Promoters : Yoga healthcare is promoted by a couple Avani & Simar Baweja who spent their entire life making money in the capital markets (traders) and finally opted to contribute to a similar community by attempting in a small way to distress their lives
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